Duodenal switch surgery has been proven to resolve issues of hypertension and diabetes in patients and is an effective choice for those who have a high-fat diet. Also, there is typically no dumping syndrome occurrence with this weight loss surgery, a flu-like reaction to certain foods.

Overall, it is important to understand every facet of this surgery, the risks and complications and follow-up before deciding to have the procedure.

What are some advantages of Duodenal Switch surgery versus other procedures?

Because the surgery combines moderate intake restriction with malabsorption, patients see a high percentage of excess weight loss. According to the Obesity Surgery magazine, Type II Diabetics also see a cure rate of up to 98% and sleep apnea patients up to 92% improvement. Also, the diet after surgery is more tolerated then other bariatric surgery types.

Is Duodenal Surgery reversible?

According to Sutter Health, Duodenal switch surgery is not reversible as it changes the size of the stomach permanent and divides it and removes more than 85% of the stomach from the body.

Will I qualify for gastric sleeve surgery?

There are more risks than any other weight loss surgery. This means that typically patients have a body mass index of over 50 and who have not been able to lose weight any other way, Web MD reports.

Who is not a candidate for this surgery?

Typically those with high risk conditions such as liver disease, heart failure and sleep apnea may not be a candidate.

Can I have duodenal switch surgery if I have Type II Diabetes?

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, you can have surgery and reports show that improvements to the condition are common following surgery. Up to 95% improvement can be expected as a result of this surgery.

What medical conditions can Duodenal Switch surgery treat?

According to the Bariatric Medical Institute, this surgery has shown improvements in heart disease, depression and anxiety, sleep apnea, Type II Diabetes and Asthma.

What are some risks and complications associated with this surgery?

Some risks of this surgery include anesthesia risks, leaks, blood clots, ulcers, hernia, bleeding, pouch clogging and vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Duodenal switch has more short-term risks and long-term nutritional issues than gastric banding or gastric bypass surgery, Allina Health reports.

Is this surgery expensive?

Because this surgical procedure is for severely overweight individuals, most insurance companies will cover the procedure to help treat other obesity-related medical conditions.

What tests are done before surgery begins?

A pulmonary evaluation, cardiac evaluation, stress test, psychological evaluation, nutritional evaluation, complete blood count and other tests may also be required before approval for duodenal switch surgery.

How long will I be in the hospital following surgery?

According to Sutter Health, a 1-2 hospital stay will occur.

How much weight can I plan to lose with this surgery?

According to Allina Health, patients generally use up to 70% of their excess weight a year after surgery and up to 75% after just three years post operation.

What kind of follow-up can I expect with Gastric Sleeve surgery?

Follow-up is important because patients need to have their blood levels checked and their overall health will be evaluated. According to St. Mark’s Hospital, some things that will need to be checked include vitamin B-12 levels, Folate, iron levels, red blood cells and fat soluble vitamin or ADEK.

Will my diet change after surgery?

For the first month after duodenal switch surgery a patient will only be able to eat liquid or pureed foods. After the patient can tolerate those foods without vomiting, soft foods will be added to the diet and later solid foods. It is important that all food is chewed thoroughly and no beverages are consumed during a meal.

How much protein should I have daily?

90 grams of protein is recommended each day. This is because the digestive tract needs to be able to absorb this protein to provide proper nutrition to the body.

What if I become Lactose intolerant after surgery? What do I do?

Try eating cottage cheese, milk or non-fat yogurt. Others may need to try Lactaid, a lactose-free milk.

Should I be taking more vitamins after surgery?

Because this surgery removes part of the intestines, patients do experience iron, magnesium, calcium and other vitamin deficiencies. Patients are recommended to take Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, a multivitamin, iron, calcium supplements, Vitamin B12 and a B-complex vitamin.

What type of activity is allowed after surgery?

Walk as often as possible and is comfortable for you. Do not do any strenuous activity if it brings you pain for at least a month. After a month following surgery, patients are recommended to walk at least a half hour each day.

Will I lose my hair?

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, some hair loss is common and is a result of stress and the nutritional changes in the body after surgery. This is most often temporary and consuming an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and protein will ensure hair loss ceases.

When can I take a shower or bath?

You may shower as soon as you can, but remember to dry your incisions thoroughly. Pat the area dry carefully. If there is a bandage, remove it after 3 days. Do not submerge yourself in water for at least a month after surgery.

Should I take out my stitches?

Do not remove any steri-strips unless they have become loose. Most of the time, they will fall out on their own.

When can I drive?

A patient may drive as soon as they no longer require pain medication.

When can I get pregnant after surgery?

Studies show that it is most safe to wait at least 18 months after surgery to get pregnant to lower any risk of miscarriage.


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