• 09 APR 13

    Weight Loss Surgery Benefits on Type 2 Diabetes

    According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 21 million people in the United States have Type 2 Diabetes and nearly 54 million more have pre-diabetes. These alarming numbers have led to the research on the connection of weight loss surgery and the improvement of Type 2 Diabetes in a patient’s body.

    While the benefits of weight loss surgery are imminent, Type 2 Diabetes patients can especially find themselves in a more healthy state after enduring the procedure. It’s no secret that obesity is a key component in the development of Type 2 Diabetes. It is obesity that leads to both inflammation and insulin resistance in the body, over time this leads to a diabetes diagnosis. While weight loss is a major treatment method used in order to manage the disease, it’s the way the surgery is performed that helps patients the most.

    Many patients with type 2 diabetes experience complete remission within days of metabolic surgery, long before significant weight comes off

    Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective and long-lasting treatment options for morbidly-obese patients. While the surgery helps to treat diabetes, it can also help reduce the symptoms of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and depression too.

    Better Job of Processing Sugars

    A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that bariatric surgery helped those with diabetes do more than just lose weight. Researchers of the study compared the blood glucose levels from those with the disease and who have lost weight with Gastric Bypass to those who lost weight without surgery. The study found that those who endured bariatric surgery had a larger drop in glucose as their bodies were doing a better job of processing sugar. Experts believe this improvement is due to the Gastric bypass surgery’s redesign of the digestive tract.

    Glycemic Control Restored

    According to a Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine study, after bariatric surgery a patient’s glycemic control was restored by the reduction of calories as well as increased insulin secretion and enhanced insulin sensitivity. According to the study, patients lose 25% more weight after enduring this surgical procedure and 87% of patients achieved a better glucose control and require fewer medications immediately after surgery.

    Long Term Results

    While many believe that Diabetes patients who experience sugar control after surgery will soon after go back to their original state, you’re wrong. According to a British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease study, 82.9% of patients with Type 2 Diabetes remained in remission for an average of 14 years after enduring weight loss surgery. Nearly double of the study participants did not require medications after surgery.

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL STUDY – http://forecast.diabetes.org/magazine/research-shorts/cutting-out-middleman-another-benefit-gastric-bypass

    CLEVELAND JOURNAL STUDY – http://www.ccjm.org/content/77/7/468.full

    BRITISH STUDY – http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/489587_3

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